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Kissin 92.5

Zimmer Radio, Inc.
3.8 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Kissin 92.5

Your 10 In A Row Hit Music Station!

Download the New Kissin 92.5 App to listen to the biggest hit music station in the 4-State Area. We're the only station that plays your 10 favorite songs in a row! Hear Kidd Kraddick, Bianca, and Kraus wherever you go.

More about the Kissin 92.5 App:

-Listen to us on your smartphone and tablet
-Wake up with Kissin 92.5's Alarm Clock Feature
-Get alerts when your favorite songs and artists play
-Vote for your favorite songs
-Stay up to date with weather forecasts
-Use our open mic feature to request songs and talk to us
-Enter contests and take advantage of special, Kissin 92.5 exclusive offers

Kissin 92.5 Screenshots