Journals of STEM Education (JSE)
Kota Bharu Polytechnic will publish a journal for the first time this year. We have experience publishing digest from 2010 until now, based on this experience, it is time for us to further improve the quality in academic publishing.
Authors are invited to submit the manuscript before 30 April 2021 for the publication of Vol 1 (2021) which will be published in September 2021
Issue of writing is not limited to science, technology, electricity, mathematics, engineering, information technology.
Attention to the author
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another digest/journal for consideration.
The manuscripts language should be English or Bahasa Melayu.
The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format (doc/docx/rtf) only.
The manuscript writing must use the template provided.
The fee for the first ten (10) pages is MYR50.00. Each additional page is MYR2.00
The manuscript writing is limited to twenty (20) pages.
Kota Bharu Polytechnic will publish a journal for the first time this year. We have experience publishing digest from 2010 until now, based on this experience, it is time for us to further improve the quality in academic publishing.
Authors are invited to submit the manuscript before 30 April 2021 for the publication of Vol 1 (2021) which will be published in September 2021
Issue of writing is not limited to science, technology, electricity, mathematics, engineering, information technology.
Attention to the author
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another digest/journal for consideration.
The manuscripts language should be English or Bahasa Melayu.
The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format (doc/docx/rtf) only.
The manuscript writing must use the template provided.
The fee for the first ten (10) pages is MYR50.00. Each additional page is MYR2.00
The manuscript writing is limited to twenty (20) pages.
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