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Smart BPER Zone

Gruppo BPER
50,000+ downloads

About Smart BPER Zone

Smart BPER Zone is a Loyalty platform reserved for customers of the BPER Banca Group, entirely managed by Ventis S.r.l., where you can buy quality, convenient and refined products and experiences.

Much more than just shopping.

Browsing and purchasing on Smart BPER Zone is simple and fun, and allows you to accumulate credits that you can spend on other purchases and get discounts dedicated to you.
In addition, as a customer of the BPER Banca Group, you can also receive numerous benefits all year round, even just by subscribing to any banking product.

The Shop. WOMEN, MEN, CHILDREN, HOME and FOOD AND WINE. Smart BPER Zone offers every day a wide selection of Made in Italy products and international excellence with exceptional offers that you can buy for a limited period of time.

The EXPERIENCES section of Smart BPER Zone is enriched every day with offers of local services and structures with advantageous packages called “PASS”. Just communicate your Experience Pass at the time of booking to the facility or operator you have chosen.

Be inspired by a galaxy of products selected for you and sail towards stellar experiences ...

By registering on the portal, you will immediately receive a € 5 Welcome Bonus, to be spent as you wish.

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