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Smart CBI

Gruppo BPER
100,000+ downloads

About Smart CBI

Smart CBI is the BPER Banca Group's Corporate Banking app for companies that own Smart CBI or BPER CBI services.

With Smart CBI it is possible to check the balance and movements of current accounts and, more generally, the situation of all the relationships connected to the CBI station. It also has slide functionality.
The app is free and is available for the administrators of the BPERCBI stations and for the users that the latter choose to enable.
Smart CBI also allows both the station administrator and authorized users to receive notifications relating to operations, according to the settings defined by the administrator in the desktop version.
The app is safe: the anti-fraud measures adopted are the same as those provided for the desktop version CBI.

Through the app it is also possible to carry out dispositive operations, signed by subjects with signature powers deposited in the branch. Just enter the OTP code generated on the token device provided by the bank or directly on the app.

The Smart CBI app is partially accessible. We are committed to constantly improving accessibility to allow everyone to make the best use of our services, with assistive technologies or dedicated configurations. For this we will continue to make new updates of our services, our sites and our apps. We invite you to report suggestions or problems to us at

Accessibility Declaration: to view the declaration, copy and paste this link on a web page: 9076-4ab5-9d18-053a0f148277

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