Online service that allows all citizens of the Municipality of Mirabella Imbaccari to view the latest news, notices and events published by the institution.
Possibility to make reservations by appointment at the offices.
Through this service you can:
- Check availability and select a date and time for an appointment at a municipal office
- Receive notification of confirmation, modification or cancellation of the appointment
- View deadlines, news, events and board meetings
We want to offer greater efficiency and transparency in the dialogue with our citizens and for this reason we invite you to download the app and interact with our offices.
To use the app it is not necessary to register unless you want to use the advanced services. For greater integration with online services, the SPID of the institutional portal can be associated with the app user.
Possibility to make reservations by appointment at the offices.
Through this service you can:
- Check availability and select a date and time for an appointment at a municipal office
- Receive notification of confirmation, modification or cancellation of the appointment
- View deadlines, news, events and board meetings
We want to offer greater efficiency and transparency in the dialogue with our citizens and for this reason we invite you to download the app and interact with our offices.
To use the app it is not necessary to register unless you want to use the advanced services. For greater integration with online services, the SPID of the institutional portal can be associated with the app user.
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