FIDAS Pescara Donor Blood is the official and free association APP FIDAS Pescara.
We were born to sensitize civil society to the gift of blood and its components, and are proud to carry on this task. We compete to self-sufficiency of local blood, regional and national level, and promote health education of the donor. For us, enhance the "blood source" from the donation to the clinical use, also through scientific research, is a fundamental mission. Solidarity, altruism and responsibility are the headlights towards which we direct our actions. We commit ourselves seriously in the dissemination of issues related to the donation of blood and blood components. With equal seriousness, we bind ourselves to transparency in the management of the Association.
For us, blood donors are all unique but equal, because if the same is the duty voluntarily assume, the same must be the recognition to them.
We were born to sensitize civil society to the gift of blood and its components, and are proud to carry on this task. We compete to self-sufficiency of local blood, regional and national level, and promote health education of the donor. For us, enhance the "blood source" from the donation to the clinical use, also through scientific research, is a fundamental mission. Solidarity, altruism and responsibility are the headlights towards which we direct our actions. We commit ourselves seriously in the dissemination of issues related to the donation of blood and blood components. With equal seriousness, we bind ourselves to transparency in the management of the Association.
For us, blood donors are all unique but equal, because if the same is the duty voluntarily assume, the same must be the recognition to them.
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