The "Model 4" app (compilation), which can be downloaded only by those already in possession of an account to access the VETINFO portal and enabled for access to zoo records, allows the management, in BDN, of the electronic 4 models of livestock farms. own competence.
Model 4 is the declaration of provenance and destination that accompanies the animal during transport and contains information regarding identification (part A), information on treatments and the food chain (part B), the destination (part C) ), the transport data (part D), the health attestation of the veterinarian who visited the garments before the move (part E), and the identifying elements of the moved garments.
The app is the natural extension, for mobile devices, of the management capabilities of the electronic Model 4 present in the web application for the management of national zootechnical registers. It allows all the authorized subjects (the holder or his delegate to the management of the BDN, or his sub-delegate to compile the Model 4), to fill out directly in the field, for the breeding of his own competence, the declaration of origin and destination of the animals and register it in the system.
At the moment the app allows to compile the electronic Models 4 for moving the animals of the bovine and buffalo species, of the ovine and caprine species, of the porcine species (only movements of lots) and of the equids. The extension to other zootechnical species is foreseen in the next versions of the application.
Model 4 is the declaration of provenance and destination that accompanies the animal during transport and contains information regarding identification (part A), information on treatments and the food chain (part B), the destination (part C) ), the transport data (part D), the health attestation of the veterinarian who visited the garments before the move (part E), and the identifying elements of the moved garments.
The app is the natural extension, for mobile devices, of the management capabilities of the electronic Model 4 present in the web application for the management of national zootechnical registers. It allows all the authorized subjects (the holder or his delegate to the management of the BDN, or his sub-delegate to compile the Model 4), to fill out directly in the field, for the breeding of his own competence, the declaration of origin and destination of the animals and register it in the system.
At the moment the app allows to compile the electronic Models 4 for moving the animals of the bovine and buffalo species, of the ovine and caprine species, of the porcine species (only movements of lots) and of the equids. The extension to other zootechnical species is foreseen in the next versions of the application.
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