In order to more effectively and concretely pursue the objective of introducing ICT within the legal profession, a futuristic and decidedly innovative project has been put in place by the Forensic Order of Cassino.
The Cassino Bar Association, thanks to the funding obtained from Cassa Forense, intends to support the technological innovation of lawyers, enabling them to operate in smart-working.
A more agile and flexible approach to work with the support of new technologies is able to allow, in fact, the reorganization of times and habitual spaces and a redefinition in the management of activities, timetables and canonical places dedicated to work.
The greater flexibility and autonomy in the choice of "where" and "when", in addition to guaranteeing an improvement in the quality of life, brings countless benefits on a social, economic and environmental level.
The project is therefore intended as an incentive to smart working, through the creation of a digital platform based on an App equipped with tools for work, capable of transforming smartphones and tablets into personal mobile offices, mobile offices.
The basic tools of the app are as follows:
* Drive: provision of a virtual memory space for saving data, a private virtual storage
* Shared: Sharing files with specific users or user groups
* Voice Notes: a voice recorder that automatically creates an audio file with a voice note function.
* CamScan: application that allows, through the camera, to scan documents that are automatically corrected and redefined and saved in digital format.
* Business Calendar: a shared calendar on which to mark appointments and events to all shared contacts and the possibility of hooking a specific folder
* Instant Messaging: an instant, secure and private messaging application.
Using this app allows you to:
* Make changes to your work at any time and in any place, without having to bring the document in paper form;
* Have a virtual archive that can be consulted anywhere via smartphone or tablet;
* Have a scanner on hand that allows you to scan documents and turn them into pdf;
* Speed up the archiving of documents;
* Simplify the work through the use of a fast, practical and safe device;
* Record your appointments on the virtual calendar and share them with a possible work group;
* Reduction of professional stationery and office costs;
* Reorganize times and spaces dedicated to work;
* Improve the management of work activities and schedules;
* Quick access to consultation of data outside the office;
* Increase market competitiveness and work and professional efficiency;
* Improve internal communication with your team;
* Reduction of procedure execution times;
* Optimize the management of customer relationships;
* Improvement of the professional image;
* Facilitate and speed up the work.
The Cassino Bar Association, thanks to the funding obtained from Cassa Forense, intends to support the technological innovation of lawyers, enabling them to operate in smart-working.
A more agile and flexible approach to work with the support of new technologies is able to allow, in fact, the reorganization of times and habitual spaces and a redefinition in the management of activities, timetables and canonical places dedicated to work.
The greater flexibility and autonomy in the choice of "where" and "when", in addition to guaranteeing an improvement in the quality of life, brings countless benefits on a social, economic and environmental level.
The project is therefore intended as an incentive to smart working, through the creation of a digital platform based on an App equipped with tools for work, capable of transforming smartphones and tablets into personal mobile offices, mobile offices.
The basic tools of the app are as follows:
* Drive: provision of a virtual memory space for saving data, a private virtual storage
* Shared: Sharing files with specific users or user groups
* Voice Notes: a voice recorder that automatically creates an audio file with a voice note function.
* CamScan: application that allows, through the camera, to scan documents that are automatically corrected and redefined and saved in digital format.
* Business Calendar: a shared calendar on which to mark appointments and events to all shared contacts and the possibility of hooking a specific folder
* Instant Messaging: an instant, secure and private messaging application.
Using this app allows you to:
* Make changes to your work at any time and in any place, without having to bring the document in paper form;
* Have a virtual archive that can be consulted anywhere via smartphone or tablet;
* Have a scanner on hand that allows you to scan documents and turn them into pdf;
* Speed up the archiving of documents;
* Simplify the work through the use of a fast, practical and safe device;
* Record your appointments on the virtual calendar and share them with a possible work group;
* Reduction of professional stationery and office costs;
* Reorganize times and spaces dedicated to work;
* Improve the management of work activities and schedules;
* Quick access to consultation of data outside the office;
* Increase market competitiveness and work and professional efficiency;
* Improve internal communication with your team;
* Reduction of procedure execution times;
* Optimize the management of customer relationships;
* Improvement of the professional image;
* Facilitate and speed up the work.
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