The Council of the Bar of Fermo, in view of the identified need for the world of the legal profession to open up more to citizenship, has decided to resort to an innovative form of communication, creating an APP for mobile and tablet devices, with the aim of making the services offered more visible and usable by its members, all lawyers, citizens and businesses.
This tool makes it possible to implement and enhance the computerization and administrative dematerialization process, already started some time ago by the Bar Association of Fermo, not only because of the current epidemiological emergency, but also to allow the legal profession to keep up with the 'technological innovation.
The APP created allows both the lawyer and the citizen or company to:
• consult the organization chart of the Council of the Order and the commissions established;
• access the sections dedicated to related bodies (Forensic Conciliation Body, Crisis Composition Body and Equal Opportunities Committee)
• allow the search by name in the register of the Bar Association of Fermo and the consultation of the data of each member published in the same
• consult the calendar of civil and criminal hearings and download the relative Roles
• consult News, Notices of the Court or other Judicial Offices, Circulars and Communications of the Council of the Order and download the related attachments
• receive push notifications to be updated in real time in relation to the new contents inserted (the deactivation of the service from the APP is available)
• consult the calendar of scheduled training events and download the relevant information material
• directly access the electronic booking system for appointments at the Chancelleries of the Court, the Justice of the Peace and at the Offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office
• access the telematic counter for filing mediation requests
• directly access the telematic platforms for the filing of Free Civil Patronage Instances and requests for opinion
• consult the Forensic Code of Ethics
• consult the agreements signed by the Bar Association of Fermo in favor of its members.
This tool makes it possible to implement and enhance the computerization and administrative dematerialization process, already started some time ago by the Bar Association of Fermo, not only because of the current epidemiological emergency, but also to allow the legal profession to keep up with the 'technological innovation.
The APP created allows both the lawyer and the citizen or company to:
• consult the organization chart of the Council of the Order and the commissions established;
• access the sections dedicated to related bodies (Forensic Conciliation Body, Crisis Composition Body and Equal Opportunities Committee)
• allow the search by name in the register of the Bar Association of Fermo and the consultation of the data of each member published in the same
• consult the calendar of civil and criminal hearings and download the relative Roles
• consult News, Notices of the Court or other Judicial Offices, Circulars and Communications of the Council of the Order and download the related attachments
• receive push notifications to be updated in real time in relation to the new contents inserted (the deactivation of the service from the APP is available)
• consult the calendar of scheduled training events and download the relevant information material
• directly access the electronic booking system for appointments at the Chancelleries of the Court, the Justice of the Peace and at the Offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office
• access the telematic counter for filing mediation requests
• directly access the telematic platforms for the filing of Free Civil Patronage Instances and requests for opinion
• consult the Forensic Code of Ethics
• consult the agreements signed by the Bar Association of Fermo in favor of its members.
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