그린라이트맞고 icon


Firehands inc.
3.8 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About 그린라이트맞고

Let's turn to get hit Green Light Green Light Today!

★ you wonder whether the minute hand green light today! You can check the green light from the green light hit of the day.
★ Those who Shijo no payment? Green light fitting is free.
★ bored when I hit the green light bout! Let skills that turn green light hit too!
★ Let's win the final boss is a real hit of the stick -
★ must see! Lee get down ~

◆ ◆ Game Features
◈ App to see the green light today! Fake will go!
◈ kkamjikhan neat graphic!
◈ fast game speed! I hit on, let's hit the green light and the other ~ ^^
◈ do you want steadily forward through the hands and the hands are gwaeham? Green Light is facing - will fix everything.
◈ hit the green light, you can enjoy the swiwodo easily fit into too easy relations elderly.
◈ The real and not going the hands separated! Enjoy the green light from the hit ~
He still ◈ payment by mistake? Hit the green light never never! No such a thing ~
◈ hit the green lights are the cute, cute character for 15 hit a step-by-step yigyeobo fun.
◈ Do not worry mind bring any hit, let 's away from everyday stress received a green light hit!

◆ release commemorative seconds, hit the green light. Sec. Sec. ◆ jackpot events
Sorry. Green light does not hit just called geureongeo free. I'm really sorry ~

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※ This game will inform you that the game received a rating to the full in Korea Game Rating Board (KGRAC).

[Game Rating Classification Number] CC-OM-141106-003

※ Firehands comply the Google policy.

그린라이트맞고 Screenshots