모두의고스톱 icon


Firehands inc.
100+ downloads

About 모두의고스톱

Let's enjoy the 3-person Go-Stop and the hit and the 4-person Go-Stop in real life.
The captain of the end of GoStop!
Any more go-stops are meaningless!

※Recommended for such people.
-Those who do not want to play with the received hand but want to sell light and play in the next round
- Those who are tired of all the same GoStop/Right
-Those who want to hit Go-Stop well in real life
-Those who want to hit all the hit, 3-person go-stops, and 4-person go-stops with one application!

Everyone's Go-Stop is literally right, and it is a combined Go-Stop game that contains all of the 3-person Go-Stop and 4-person Go-Stop.

The 4-player mode made it possible to enjoy Go-Stop in a more realistic way with the same rules as reality (selling light, double skin) and the number of people.

※Contact (firehands.help@gmail.com)
※Class classification number: CC-OM-230824-004