Dr.Healthing is not simply a health management application.
Dr. Hellsing analyzes your healthy life age with the results of a health checkup that indicates your current health status, and provides customized health management according to the results of the analysis.
Doctor Hellsing is an application for providing services of Medi-Age, which is continuously researching and developing for health and aging.
The Medi-Age Research Institute has studied human health and aging for a long time and developed the first health indicator solution in Korea that accurately reflects the health and aging state of the body, not the age of resident registration.
We have developed a health indicator solution by analyzing the health checkup data of about 20 million people for over 10 years, and have been medically verified through the international SCI journal.
Doctor Hellsing aims to motivate individuals to easily check their exact health status and manage their own health.
In addition, we provide guides so that you can manage your own health according to each person's condition, starting with the necessary management first, and proceed with appropriate goals.
Doctor Hellsing includes the following features.
1. This is a personalized health management service that allows you to manage your health based on your healthy living age analyzed by the health checkup record.
- You can check the results of health checkups by the National Health Insurance Corporation and healthy people on your mobile phone through authentication. In the age of My Data, it is time to manage your own health information.
- Healthy living age analyzed by health check-up records. This is my real age. I check my health status through my current healthy living age and priority management age.
2. Set a goal step count and record your health status to discover your health little by little without even knowing it.
- Set a goal step count and work hard to achieve it every day.
- Manage your health by recording your health status every day.
3. Meet customized content such as nutrition and exercise for metabolic syndrome items that require intensive management first
- Discover me, little by little, getting younger by applying and practicing it in my life through personalized health care guides and contents that are just right for me.
Customer Center: 02-555-6438
KakaoTalk: @Mediage Customer Center
E-mail : help@mediaage.co.kr