Draw a healthy life with Health Sketch. Health Sketch is not an application that provides simple health information. Health Sketch analyzes health indicators by using clinical indicators of health checkup results indicating your current health status, and provides customized health management according to the analysis results.
Health Sketch is an application for providing services of Medi-Age, which is continuously researching and developing for health and aging. The Medi-Age Research Institute has developed a health indicator solution by analyzing the health checkup data of about 20 million people for over 10 years, and has been medically verified through the international SCI journal.
Health Sketch aims to motivate individuals to manage their own health by easily checking their exact health status and recognizing the risks involved. In addition, we provide guides so that you can manage your own health according to each individual's condition, starting with the necessary management first, and proceed with an appropriate goal.
Joint authentication is required to inquire about health checkup results for accurate analysis.
The user's joint certificate is used only to confirm the health checkup result and is never stored.
Main Features
1. Check the health checkup results
You can check the health checkup results of the National Health Insurance Corporation and healthy people on your phone through joint authentication. In the age of my data, it is now time to manage your own health information.
2. Analysis of health indicators
- Check the result of ‘From Age’, which analyzes the relative risk of disease, death, and cancer with the analyzed index.
- From Age analyzes metabolic syndrome related items among health checkup items to analyze not only metabolic age but also 4 types of chronic diseases, dementia, 7 types of representative cancer related to gender metabolic syndrome, and relative risk of death.
3. Health care
- The linked service “Doctor Hellsing” analyzes the metabolic syndrome-related items among the health checkup items and informs you of the items that need to be managed first.
- You can check your health status analysis index and set it as a group that requires priority management, and you can check the diet, nutritional health coaching guide, and common sense content for that group.
4. Step analysis
- In “Dr. Hellsing”, we measure the number of steps to increase the amount of activity among the lifestyle improvement items and check the change of healthy living age every day.
- After one year, we check the predictive analysis of healthy living age and give you a sure motivation confirmed by data for increased activity.
Customer Center: 02-555-6438
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E-mail: help@mediaage.co.kr