Try our XAPK file installer, which allows an easy installation of most used application formats.
Install .APK, APKS, .XAPK, .APKM, .AAB, .OBB, .ZIP files from storage, or SD card with single tap.
XAPK Installer utilizes multiple methods for installation, so even if you have rooted device or not, we've got you covered.
You can choose from rootless, rooted, shizuku 3 installation methods, to install your apps effectively.
The application features an OBB installer, which can extract OBB service files to target locations.
The installer works in universal way, so even unknown files such as ZIP files, or multiple APK files can be installed successfully. It just works.
Install .APK, APKS, .XAPK, .APKM, .AAB, .OBB, .ZIP files from storage, or SD card with single tap.
XAPK Installer utilizes multiple methods for installation, so even if you have rooted device or not, we've got you covered.
You can choose from rootless, rooted, shizuku 3 installation methods, to install your apps effectively.
The application features an OBB installer, which can extract OBB service files to target locations.
The installer works in universal way, so even unknown files such as ZIP files, or multiple APK files can be installed successfully. It just works.
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