Lulu is aimed at the 43,000 inhabitants of the Community of Municipalities of the Territory of Lunéville in Baccarat and offers short-term rental a fleet of 42 electric vehicles: 40 Zoé and 2 Kangoo ZE. 50 double-entry charging stations distributed throughout the territory complete this innovative system of sustainable, affordable mobility serving the territory.
The constant rise in costs linked to private vehicles (purchase, insurance, fuel, maintenance)
forcing a growing part of the population to devote a significant part of their purchasing power to it or, at worst, to deprive themselves of a vehicle. In addition, emissions linked to the daily movement of millions of private vehicles are today recognized as one of the major causes of the current climate crisis.
Carsharing, already regularly practiced by several million French people, is an effective solution to reduce the weight that the cost of travel represents on the purchasing power of households.
Lulu is therefore intended for each resident holding a valid driving license and residing in one of the municipalities of the Community of Municipalities of the Territory of Lunéville in Baccarat. Offering deliberately low prices, this new service aims in particular to facilitate access to public services (medicine, culture, administrative procedures), shops and leisure activities in our territory.
The proper functioning of Lulu is based on the responsibility of users who, aware of the importance of this service for many of their fellow citizens, will be able to respect vehicles and terminals perfectly. Regular control of vehicles (tire pressure, levels and cleaning) is carried out by a company from the social and solidarity economy. During each use, the user is asked to carry out an interior and exterior visual check of the vehicle and to report any finding, by telephone to the number transmitted during the reservation.
User fees include vehicle rental, insurance and full energy to operate the vehicle. These are equipped with a cable allowing additional recharging of the vehicle in the event of prolonged use.
Lulu is aimed at the 43,000 inhabitants of the Community of Municipalities of the Territory of Lunéville in Baccarat and offers short-term rental a fleet of 42 electric vehicles: 40 Zoé and 2 Kangoo ZE. 50 double-entry charging stations distributed throughout the territory complete this innovative system of sustainable, affordable mobility serving the territory.
The constant rise in costs linked to private vehicles (purchase, insurance, fuel, maintenance)
forcing a growing part of the population to devote a significant part of their purchasing power to it or, at worst, to deprive themselves of a vehicle. In addition, emissions linked to the daily movement of millions of private vehicles are today recognized as one of the major causes of the current climate crisis.
Carsharing, already regularly practiced by several million French people, is an effective solution to reduce the weight that the cost of travel represents on the purchasing power of households.
Lulu is therefore intended for each resident holding a valid driving license and residing in one of the municipalities of the Community of Municipalities of the Territory of Lunéville in Baccarat. Offering deliberately low prices, this new service aims in particular to facilitate access to public services (medicine, culture, administrative procedures), shops and leisure activities in our territory.
The proper functioning of Lulu is based on the responsibility of users who, aware of the importance of this service for many of their fellow citizens, will be able to respect vehicles and terminals perfectly. Regular control of vehicles (tire pressure, levels and cleaning) is carried out by a company from the social and solidarity economy. During each use, the user is asked to carry out an interior and exterior visual check of the vehicle and to report any finding, by telephone to the number transmitted during the reservation.
User fees include vehicle rental, insurance and full energy to operate the vehicle. These are equipped with a cable allowing additional recharging of the vehicle in the event of prolonged use.
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