Mobile charging animation or Battery Amps Animation is a mobile charging animation app that shows a battery charging animation effect screen on your mobile screen. Charging animation is providing the charging animation theme for the lock screen while mobile charges it's will be shown on your lock screen. With charging animation it's made easier to check the current mobile charging percentage on always on-screen battery animation.
Battery Amps Animation or Charging Animation is an awesome tool for customize Charging screen with various tunes and live animations like Cartoon, Rounded and Shape Animations. Collection of exclusive animations and Full battery alert functionality.
The fast-charging animation theme provides information about battery health, battery temperature, voltage, etc. Even more, you can customize your full-screen battery charging animation. When the device is connected to charging then charging animation screen shows charging animation lock screen on your phone.
• Device & Charging information
• Battery full alert and customize battery low alert services.
• Set battery charging animation while phone in charging mode.(Select animations from list provided in app.)
• You can customize animation screen.
- Enable disable date time.
- Display battery details (battery technology, percentage, voltage)
- Enable edge lighting on animation screen.
- Change text color & font family of text.
- Set screen timeout time.
- Change date and time format.
• Gesture settings.
- Double tap to turn off animation screen.
- Swipe up, swipe down, swipe left, swipe right gesture to open any apps.
• Enable or disable Notifications settings. (For display notifications on animation screen select apps.)
• General settings.
- Vibration on alert.
- Enable disable sound on alert.
- Enable sound play on only phone on ring mode option.
Download the all new Battery Charging Animation app for FREE!!!
Battery Amps Animation or Charging Animation is an awesome tool for customize Charging screen with various tunes and live animations like Cartoon, Rounded and Shape Animations. Collection of exclusive animations and Full battery alert functionality.
The fast-charging animation theme provides information about battery health, battery temperature, voltage, etc. Even more, you can customize your full-screen battery charging animation. When the device is connected to charging then charging animation screen shows charging animation lock screen on your phone.
• Device & Charging information
• Battery full alert and customize battery low alert services.
• Set battery charging animation while phone in charging mode.(Select animations from list provided in app.)
• You can customize animation screen.
- Enable disable date time.
- Display battery details (battery technology, percentage, voltage)
- Enable edge lighting on animation screen.
- Change text color & font family of text.
- Set screen timeout time.
- Change date and time format.
• Gesture settings.
- Double tap to turn off animation screen.
- Swipe up, swipe down, swipe left, swipe right gesture to open any apps.
• Enable or disable Notifications settings. (For display notifications on animation screen select apps.)
• General settings.
- Vibration on alert.
- Enable disable sound on alert.
- Enable sound play on only phone on ring mode option.
Download the all new Battery Charging Animation app for FREE!!!
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