Seen that meme of everyone's favorite cartoon character mOcKing wItH soMe aLteRnaTinG teXt? Make fun of something someone said with ease and precision with mOcK mY tExT
Tired of hitting your shift key 100 times just to make a meme? Tired of autocorrect trying to stop you from making fun of someone? Problem solved - This app lets you type or paste in text and automatically fOrMaTs iT with correct, funny capitalization.
Now featuring a true dark theme, proudly supporting Material Design standards and saving your battery life!
Makes "making fun of someone" fun!
Tired of hitting your shift key 100 times just to make a meme? Tired of autocorrect trying to stop you from making fun of someone? Problem solved - This app lets you type or paste in text and automatically fOrMaTs iT with correct, funny capitalization.
Now featuring a true dark theme, proudly supporting Material Design standards and saving your battery life!
Makes "making fun of someone" fun!
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