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About Meteorama

The Earth needs your help!
Speed ​​your mind, you need to destroy the approaching meteors.
Practice multiplications in a fun way.

+ It is an educational video game of mathematical thinking.
+ It is a game about resolution of multiplication operations from 1 to 12.
+ It is directed children of lower, middle and higher primary school (from 6 to 12 years old).
+ It is available to be played in: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Mayan and Ukrainian.

Pedagogical content:
+ In this educational video game, the child will practice mental calculation and resolve multiplication operations of up to two digits.
+ Concepts: multiplication, area, reproduction of figures on a grid.
+ If you want to know more about the pedagogical content of these video games, visit our LabTak site (

Inoma is a Mexican non-governmental organization that supports education through TAK-TAK-TAK free educational video games. All of them are aligned with the basic education curricula of the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico. These video games can be played in booth and in app using the same user and password.

Meteorama was financed with the support of WeWork Creators Award Mexico City
and was developed by Básica Asesores Educativos and Inoma.

Meteorama Screenshots