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About 321

3-2-1 is a simple Gospel presentation that describes God the world and you. It is broken up into three simple steps:

3: God is three Persons united in love.
2: The story of the world is the story of two representatives.
1: You are one with Adam. Be one with Jesus.

If you want to go deeper with these points, you can download a 15 minute videos for each section.

3-2-1 was written by Glen Scrivener (@glenscrivener). The course videos were filmed with help from The Crowded House.

- can save and watch videos for latter use.
- videos are saved to your movies folder, so you can easily copy them off your device, or play them in another app.
- 8 languages
- swipe left and right to progress through the text presentation.
- swipe from the left of screen to open up the menu; or press the button on the top left
- can move app to SD Card


Official 3-2-1 site can be found here: http://three-two-one.org
