Valid for screen formats 18/9 18/5/9 or similar
1 single page
* App content
-Direct access to calls, mail and sms (edit contact for each phone globally)
-Feed / Rss in English and Spanish
-Music player
-Calendar and events
-Widget with current time and weather
-Animations and much more.
What you need before using:
1 / Kustom Live Wallpaper Pro available here on Play Store
2 / A launcher like N. Launcher (compatible with klwp Pro)
In N. Launcher you must select a free screen, hide the notification bar, hide the navigation bar if the mobile phone supports it, Dock Off, Done !!
3 / Open the Klwp Pro app and select this elegant theme from the Menu / Installed tab
4 / Wait for this theme to load "depending on the type of phone it will take more or less" approximately 10 seconds
Set this theme as your main wallpaper
✔ If you have any further questions, you can contact us by email located at the bottom of this page in the Play Store
✔ Rate this app, it will help other people ... thanks
✔ Credits to FREEPIK for using some of their wonderful images and icons
✔Credits to Saro Rindone for his beautiful wallpapers
✔Credits to Erik Bucik for the weather component
✔ Credits to for the calendar component
1 single page
* App content
-Direct access to calls, mail and sms (edit contact for each phone globally)
-Feed / Rss in English and Spanish
-Music player
-Calendar and events
-Widget with current time and weather
-Animations and much more.
What you need before using:
1 / Kustom Live Wallpaper Pro available here on Play Store
2 / A launcher like N. Launcher (compatible with klwp Pro)
In N. Launcher you must select a free screen, hide the notification bar, hide the navigation bar if the mobile phone supports it, Dock Off, Done !!
3 / Open the Klwp Pro app and select this elegant theme from the Menu / Installed tab
4 / Wait for this theme to load "depending on the type of phone it will take more or less" approximately 10 seconds
Set this theme as your main wallpaper
✔ If you have any further questions, you can contact us by email located at the bottom of this page in the Play Store
✔ Rate this app, it will help other people ... thanks
✔ Credits to FREEPIK for using some of their wonderful images and icons
✔Credits to Saro Rindone for his beautiful wallpapers
✔Credits to Erik Bucik for the weather component
✔ Credits to for the calendar component
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