Hey. I present you another theme for your Xperia device. Thanks Darko for the contribution and all of you for the support. For that this theme will b free.
-Systemui assets
In some sony devices for software limitation some features might not work properly.
But it will support nougat Xperia devices.
Follow me on Twitter: Check out Shuvro Mojumder (@ShuvroMojumder): https://twitter.com/ShuvroMojumder?s=09
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-Systemui assets
In some sony devices for software limitation some features might not work properly.
But it will support nougat Xperia devices.
Follow me on Twitter: Check out Shuvro Mojumder (@ShuvroMojumder): https://twitter.com/ShuvroMojumder?s=09
Join Google+ - Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/104547166505040621543
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