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Topics in Focus

Instant Anatomy
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About Topics in Focus

This app contains the Anatomy Topics in Focus Lectures

•The Skull foramina and their contents
•Horner's versus an Oculomotor Lesion
•The Visual Pathways
•The Eye Movements
•The Pupillary Light Reflex
•The Near Reflex
•The Cortical Control of the Cranial Nerves
•Localising Facial Nerve Lesions
•An Algorithm for Determining the Nerve Supply of Muscles in the Head
•The Parasympathetic Supply of the Head
•The Rules and exceptions in the Head and Neck
•The Types of Ganglia
•Accommodation & Pupillary Constriction
•The Chorda Tympani
•The Greater Petrosal Nerve
•The Lesser Petrosal Nerve
•The Principles of "Hitchhiking" of Autonomic Nerves on Cranial Nerves
•Tabulated Parasympathetic Pathways in the Head
•The Sympathetic Connections between the Spinal Cord and Sympathetic Chain
•The Sympathetic Chain in the Neck
•The Sympathetics to the Pupil and Levator Palpebrae Superioris
•The Cranial Nerves from the Brain to Foramina
•The Cranial Nerve Nuclei and Fibres
•Abdominal Autonomics and Referred Pain
•The Flexor Retinaculum and Carpal Tunnel
•The Inguinal Canal
•The Brachial Plexus
•Abduction of the shoulder
•The Blood Supply of the Heart
•The Surface Markings in the Thorax
•The Vertebral Levels of Structures
•The Blood Supply of the Stomach
•The Foramina of the Base of the Skull from Below
•An alternative aide memoir for the Skull Foramina
•Dermatomes: An Overview
•The Autonomic Connections in the Head
•The bones of the Hand and the Foot

THE AUTHOR: Robert Whitaker has spent his clinical career as a paediatric urological surgeon. Since retiring 20 years ago he now teaches clinically applied topographical anatomy to first-year medical students at Cambridge University, in the UK. He also teaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiological and other speciality trainees and is a former examiner for the MRCS at the English and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.

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