Ummi 6 hal 1-20 icon

Ummi 6 hal 1-20

Lebah Ganteng
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About Ummi 6 hal 1-20

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings....

This application is a non-official application from the Ummi Foundation. it's just that the reader or application maker has the criteria requirements in teaching the UMMI method with experience starting from Tashih, Certification and Coaching. as well as having teaching experience in institutions that use the UMMI method for more than 5 years and trying to be committed to the quality of Ummi learning.

This application can be used by students who use the Ummi method and the general public as additional learning material that makes it easier to read Ummi volumes and fluency in reading the Qur'an.

The facilities in this application are;
- Strengthening makhraj by listening to Mp3 recitations
- Standard reading on the quality of Ummi Learning
- Ummi page text
- Make it easy to repeat the intended reading
- Can repeat the reading

Update changes and additions from the application are:
1. The application provides online learning facilities
2. Link to learn the UMMI method online

In this case, we still have many shortcomings to apologize if there are still many mistakes and deficiencies in the application. that's all

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Ummi 6 hal 1-20 Screenshots