Ust Abdullah Sholeh Hadrami 1 icon

Ust Abdullah Sholeh Hadrami 1

Lebah Ganteng
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About Ust Abdullah Sholeh Hadrami 1

Biography of Ustadz Abdullah Saleh Hadrami

Born in the cold and cool city of Malang, East Java on Friday 27 Dzul Qa'dah 1391 Hijriyyah coinciding with January 14, 1972 AD from the womb of his beloved mother, Ruqayyah bint Muhsin Al-Munabari –Rahimahallah. He was given the name Abdullah which means Servant of Allah by his beloved father Sholeh (Saleh) bin Ali Al-Hadrami.

For his complete biography, he writes on his website called or you can search on Google for the completeness of his biography.

In this application there are approximately 60 audios that we usually hear during activities, driving in the car or when relaxing at home, the discussion he brought was very detailed and detailed with good MP3 sound and not broken.

Content in this application:
1 Discussion of the Encyclopedia of Prohibition المناهي الشرعية للشيخ ليم الهلالي
2. Mp3 General study of more than 20 meetings
3. Mp3 Thematic study, namely liver medicine 8 meetings

Everything is provided free of charge and easily accessible

Thank you, wa Jazaqumullahukairan katsiran

Ust Abdullah Sholeh Hadrami 1 Screenshots