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Surah Anaam Audio mp3 offline

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About Surah Anaam Audio mp3 offline

Surah Annam Audio Offline mp3 is the best audio surah app for Muslims around the world.
Main Features Of App are:

Many Beautiful Audio Voices
Urdu translation
English Translation
Clear Audio
Works Offline
5 Different Voices
Crystal Clear Audio
This Surah was revealed in Makkah and contains a total of 165 verses. Imam Ridha (a.s.) has said that this Surah was revealed accompanied by the descending of seventy thousand angels. These angels will ask forgiveness from Allah (S.w.T.) for any person who recites this Surah, and they will continue doing so until the Day of Judgement.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person writes this Surah using musk or saffron and then drinks it (ie. puts the written Surah in water for its writing to dissolve) for six consecutive days, that person will be blessed abundantly and will be free from all problems and ailments. He will not lose his health or fall sick.
The 6th Holy Imam (a.s.) also said that this Surah must be accorded due respect as the name of Allah (S.w.T.) appears 70 times in it. If people knew the benefits of reciting this Surah, they would never leave it.

Whoso recites this surah, the seventy thousand angels who came with it at the time of its descending, glorifying Allah, will pray for his forgiveness, and good fortune day and night up to the day of judgement.
40 thousand angels will be rendered for Ibadat on behalf of the person till the Day of Judgement and all the Sawab (Reward) will go to the person.

One Angel with Iron spear will appear and stand guard between Heavens and Earth to safeguard the person from Shaytan.

On the Day of Judgement, Allah will ask the person, to enjoy all the good things
from Jannat (eating fruits from Jannat, drink water from Hauz-e-Kausar and bath in Salsabeel river etc).

Jabir (radiAllahu anhu) reported that The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘So many Angels accompanied its revelation that the horizon was covered with them’
[Hakim, Dhahabi & Baihaqi]

The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘The Qur’an was revealed in one fifth part, whoever memorized it in one fifth parts would not forget it. Except for Surah al An’am, which was revealed in its entirety, seen off by seventy angels from each heaven until they delivered it to the Prophet. Never has it been recited over a sick person, without Allah granting him a cure’
[Baihaqi & Khatib]

Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiAllahu anhu) reported that The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, “Surah An’aam is from the core of the Qur’an”
[Tafsir of al-Qurtubi]

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