ManaPathi (Nepali Unit Convert icon

ManaPathi (Nepali Unit Convert

Shirish Koirala
1,000+ downloads

About ManaPathi (Nepali Unit Convert

ManaPathi (Nepali Unit Converter)

Do you know how much a Mana weigh in Kilogram?
Do you know how much a Kattha or a Dhur is in Kilometer?
If you want to know, you will find this app useful. Because this app converts Nepali Units to some international units and to other Nepali units too.

This app is useful for inter-converting local Nepali units and to some intentional units. Use this app to get the idea of Nepali units. We will add more International Measurement system as per the request of our users. Metric Units are also available.

- Categories of units Like Length, Area, Weight and Volume are available
- Each category include its corresponding units.
- Length include: Kosh, Gaj, Feet, Inch, Centimeter, Milimeter, Gauge, Meter, Bhitta, Hatt, Danda & Angul
- Area include: Bigha, Kattha, Dhur, Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam, Matomuri, Khetmuri, Hectrem Acre, Khet, Bari & Meter Square
- Weight include: Kilogram, Gram, Pound, Dharni, Pau, Tola, Lal, Miligram, Quintal, Ton, Maund, Chatak, Seer
- Volume include: Muri, Pathi, Churuwa, Mana, Chauthai, Muthi & Litre

I have tried to get the exact values as possible, for now value converted from this app are merely an approximations and should not be used for any serious calculation.

ManaPathi (Nepali Unit Convert Screenshots