Why Toptanbebek.com..?
While buying and selling products, we aim to bring you the best quality and most economical products. Our prices are quite affordable than most companies.
If you do a little research, you will agree with us. Our products are constantly updated in line with measures such as health, aesthetics, quality, fashion and stability.
In addition, we do not hide brands in our products.
This will help you to have an idea about the quality of the product you will buy.
Why are your prices so affordable?
This page has been specially prepared for expectant mothers who are shopping for dowry and their prices are kept affordable. In addition, we do not sell through intermediary institutions.
How can I pay for the products?
found on our website
You can pay by credit card with virtual pos
Or you can complete your order with the money order option, you can pay our account with Western union.
In How Many Days Will I Have the Products?
by us afterwards
The products are delivered to the cargo within 7 -10 days at the latest.
In the next period, the country you are in may vary according to the cargo delivery speed, as an estimate, you will have it within 7 or 30 days.
You can track your products online with the Cargo tracking number to be sent.
What is the shipping fee ?
For orders less than $100
There is a standard shipping fee of 30 dollars.
Free Shipping on orders over $100
(The lower order limit for the site is 30 dollars)
Do you have a store, can we shop from your store?
Yes, we have a store, our full address is written in the contact form. Single sale of our products is made through our website Toptanbebek.com, which is open 24/7.
Due to the density, only the promotion of products and information are made through facebook, instagram and whatsapp applications,
We cannot accept orders through these apps. Please do your shopping on our website.
How to choose a size?
Dear customers, unfortunately, there is no standard size label system in our country. Therefore, there may be mold differences in products with the same size label from different manufacturers.
In such cases, in order not to make you victims, the product in the mold suitable for the desired body is sent.
Our aim is to update the products sent to the customer to be suitable for the specified months.
You do not need to buy a large size
It is enough for you to choose according to your baby's month.
For example, if your baby is 6 months old, you can choose 6-9 months size.
You can choose 1 larger size only if they are more built than their peers.
(Apart from that, you don't need to buy an extra large size, it's big.)
How can I track my cargo?
What is the advantage of being a member?
Thanks to your membership, you can see the content of all your orders by clicking on your order number along with its images.
At the same time, you can track your cargo by clicking on the tracking number of your cargo and the author next to the relevant order.
What is the delay due to force majeure?
Dear customers, due to the virus epidemic in our country, there are curfews and restrictions. For this reason, some Cargo branches accept a limited number of product shipments as there is a quota application.
We deliver the products to the branch, but in cases where the counter branch is closed, it may remain on hold at the Cargo branch.
If the products do not reach you or there is a delay in your area due to such situations, floods or floods or terrorist incidents, this is the responsibility of the cargo.
In such cases, when the products come back to us, the product amount will be sent to you as a refund.
Currently, products are shipped with PTT cargo only. For overseas orders, they are sent with PTT cargo.
While buying and selling products, we aim to bring you the best quality and most economical products. Our prices are quite affordable than most companies.
If you do a little research, you will agree with us. Our products are constantly updated in line with measures such as health, aesthetics, quality, fashion and stability.
In addition, we do not hide brands in our products.
This will help you to have an idea about the quality of the product you will buy.
Why are your prices so affordable?
This page has been specially prepared for expectant mothers who are shopping for dowry and their prices are kept affordable. In addition, we do not sell through intermediary institutions.
How can I pay for the products?
found on our website
You can pay by credit card with virtual pos
Or you can complete your order with the money order option, you can pay our account with Western union.
In How Many Days Will I Have the Products?
by us afterwards
The products are delivered to the cargo within 7 -10 days at the latest.
In the next period, the country you are in may vary according to the cargo delivery speed, as an estimate, you will have it within 7 or 30 days.
You can track your products online with the Cargo tracking number to be sent.
What is the shipping fee ?
For orders less than $100
There is a standard shipping fee of 30 dollars.
Free Shipping on orders over $100
(The lower order limit for the site is 30 dollars)
Do you have a store, can we shop from your store?
Yes, we have a store, our full address is written in the contact form. Single sale of our products is made through our website Toptanbebek.com, which is open 24/7.
Due to the density, only the promotion of products and information are made through facebook, instagram and whatsapp applications,
We cannot accept orders through these apps. Please do your shopping on our website.
How to choose a size?
Dear customers, unfortunately, there is no standard size label system in our country. Therefore, there may be mold differences in products with the same size label from different manufacturers.
In such cases, in order not to make you victims, the product in the mold suitable for the desired body is sent.
Our aim is to update the products sent to the customer to be suitable for the specified months.
You do not need to buy a large size
It is enough for you to choose according to your baby's month.
For example, if your baby is 6 months old, you can choose 6-9 months size.
You can choose 1 larger size only if they are more built than their peers.
(Apart from that, you don't need to buy an extra large size, it's big.)
How can I track my cargo?
What is the advantage of being a member?
Thanks to your membership, you can see the content of all your orders by clicking on your order number along with its images.
At the same time, you can track your cargo by clicking on the tracking number of your cargo and the author next to the relevant order.
What is the delay due to force majeure?
Dear customers, due to the virus epidemic in our country, there are curfews and restrictions. For this reason, some Cargo branches accept a limited number of product shipments as there is a quota application.
We deliver the products to the branch, but in cases where the counter branch is closed, it may remain on hold at the Cargo branch.
If the products do not reach you or there is a delay in your area due to such situations, floods or floods or terrorist incidents, this is the responsibility of the cargo.
In such cases, when the products come back to us, the product amount will be sent to you as a refund.
Currently, products are shipped with PTT cargo only. For overseas orders, they are sent with PTT cargo.
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