You used to use your diary, you wrote the subjects for every day and you rubbed out if anything changed. After a pair of months you noticed that pages wich you used to do it began a mush of paper and ink, in wich you couldn' t recognize not even names of the days. And then you find MySchoolScheduler.
It's a very simple app, smart and fast; it supports only the features that are strictly necessary,so as to not deviate excessively from its original purpouse, which is to be a support to hold your school timetable.
However, you will recognize the difference between using your diary and this app:
- orderliness: you'll have always a simple and essential grid to see what will be your subjects for today
- intuitiveness: you'll can always use MySchoolScheduler to its full potential
- reusability: you can resize your week and change it in every moment
- sharing: you can share yout school schedule with other users of MySchoolScheduler using a simple message of text
MySchoolScheduler is available in english and italian
It's a very simple app, smart and fast; it supports only the features that are strictly necessary,so as to not deviate excessively from its original purpouse, which is to be a support to hold your school timetable.
However, you will recognize the difference between using your diary and this app:
- orderliness: you'll have always a simple and essential grid to see what will be your subjects for today
- intuitiveness: you'll can always use MySchoolScheduler to its full potential
- reusability: you can resize your week and change it in every moment
- sharing: you can share yout school schedule with other users of MySchoolScheduler using a simple message of text
MySchoolScheduler is available in english and italian
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