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XSight Metaverse

XSight Reality, Inc.
1,000+ downloads

About XSight Metaverse

Multiplayer AR adventure platform that connects Metaverse experiences with real world world scenarios.
Play social adventures connected to real places in AR.
Connect with people around in Augmented Reality.
XSight is the first AR social camera app that uses AR holograms for users and places profiles.
Use XSight visual search to find exciting adventures by pointing your XSight camera to people and places.
Become publicly recognizable in one click and tell your story.
Connect with new friends in AR and message them whenever you want.

3 reasons to start finding and sharing exciting experiences around you:
1. Discover everyday adventures in the real world by finding amazing people, cool experiences and awesome places - open XSight camera and look around 😃
2. Want to share your awesomeness with the rest of the world? Setup your status with text, image and emoji and Become publicly recognisable while performing or while simply having a party mood 🤩
3. Connect with people you are actually interested right now - point your XSight camera to a person to see AR hologram of their profile and message them👌

AR Adventures - collect coins, find real objects, build teams and compete with other teams while interacting with real world in a gamified AR environment.
AR Social Profiles - social profiles AR holograms floating on top of people. See someone interesting? Point XSight camera to this person, click the AR hologram and connect with this person by sending a message, liking or clicking on their social links.
Become Recognizable In One Click - all you need to do is to open your profile, set your status text, image and emoji, set up your social links so that others can connect with you using those links. Then enable the GoPublic option to be recognizable and you are done! You can choose to be recognizable until you turn this off or for a specified period of time.
One Gesture Search - use visual search to search places and services by simply pointing XSight camera to the place. One gesture Search is available in the bottom right corner of the camera screen - here you can choose category or extension such as food, stores, things to do, distance to people and so much more!
Message Whenever You Want - use chat feature by messaging people you are already connected with. You can message directly from AR Hologram message button, or from the messages panel.
Map Filter - use your map search to find particular place on a map then return to AR camera screen - this place will be displayed in AR as well.
We value and appreciate every feedback, so please, don't hesitate to drop us a message in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/xsight.online)

XSight Metaverse Screenshots