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Oraciones Católicas

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About Oraciones Católicas

Catholic prayers are prayers in the form of prayer. These are the prayers that every Catholic Christian needs on a daily basis in order to connect with God. And in this way feel full with him, give thanks for life, the day or the good times received. Also to ask in times of need, help or relief.

The Prayers offer us the opportunity to venerate God and his son without any limit. But he has also given us the possibility of praying to the mother of Christ and finding in the Virgin Mary and in all the other virgins of the world, the consolation of a mother who cares for the welfare of her children on earth.

"Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11,1) is the request that Jesus made to his disciples more than once. They saw their Master, their way of life, they listened to his doctrine, and they sensed that everything was born of prayer, of his moments of dialogue with the Father. They wanted to emulate him and that's why they ask him to share the secret of his prayer.

We, the children of God, also ask Jesus Christ to teach us to pray. We need it. Catholics have the mission to be witnesses of the presence of God in the world and this can only be achieved from a deep relationship of love through prayer. Let us meditate on them with Love and trust in the Lord who can do everything.

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