This app provides access to the OneCloud platform for having a free disk space with file sharing functionality. With OneCloud, users have an app in order to have access and sync files from any Android device, anytime, anywhere. Moreover, it provides direct access with auto login for some specific functionalities like file sharing and file uploading.
Its main features are:
1. Access Data. It provides access to your data wherever you are, when you need it.
2. Share Data. It allows you to share your data with any user, and give them access to your latest documents, photo galleries, your music, or any information you want them to see. This functionality is available using a button with a direct access.
3. Versioning. It allows that previous file versions can be restored at any time.
4. File Notifications. It allows to notify users when a file is created, removed or shared.
As a referente for the end users, this solution provides access to files like services such as Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive do. OneCloud allows users to store their files remotely, sync them across devices, then access them almost anywhere.
Note that as this app is integrated with an OwnCloud based system. It also provides integration with another file sharing solutions because it has plugins for Google Drive, DropBox and Amazon S3. All these plugins must be enabled using the website.
* How to use it
1. Open the app.
2. Click in the menu button and select Login.
3. In the Login screen, use Google or Email client button to enter. Email client option allows to register into the system with your own email address.
4. Once you have entered, you can use any other menu options.
Its main features are:
1. Access Data. It provides access to your data wherever you are, when you need it.
2. Share Data. It allows you to share your data with any user, and give them access to your latest documents, photo galleries, your music, or any information you want them to see. This functionality is available using a button with a direct access.
3. Versioning. It allows that previous file versions can be restored at any time.
4. File Notifications. It allows to notify users when a file is created, removed or shared.
As a referente for the end users, this solution provides access to files like services such as Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive do. OneCloud allows users to store their files remotely, sync them across devices, then access them almost anywhere.
Note that as this app is integrated with an OwnCloud based system. It also provides integration with another file sharing solutions because it has plugins for Google Drive, DropBox and Amazon S3. All these plugins must be enabled using the website.
* How to use it
1. Open the app.
2. Click in the menu button and select Login.
3. In the Login screen, use Google or Email client button to enter. Email client option allows to register into the system with your own email address.
4. Once you have entered, you can use any other menu options.
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