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About Txikipedia

Txikipedia is a Basque encyclopedia for children aged 8-13, with vocabulary and syntax for children in this age group; therefore, our goal is to have Basque written in a clear and simple way, adapted to the school needs of the children, but with great importance for comprehensibility. At the base of Wikipedia is an online wiki encyclopedia called Vikidia, which began in Basque in 2015 and works in many other languages, for the purposes mentioned here.

- We respect your private data. We do not store user data. The app uses Wikipedia data to display child-friendly articles.

- The application only shows Wikipedia articles for a safe area. That is, we can only see articles aimed at children.

- TXIKIPEDIA APPLICATION does not store cookies or other similar data and use them for retrieval.

- Your browsing history
The navigation history stored in the app is stored locally. We do not store anything on a server.

To learn more about privacy, read more: https://txikipedia-app.web.app/privacy

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