We derive our name from the first chapter of the book of Acts in the Bible. There we are told that under Jesus’ direction, His disciples went to the upper part of a building in Jerusalem, called the upper room, to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit. After many days of prayer, when the day of Pentecost had come, the Holy Spirit came upon them in power. The Christian Church was born on that day.
Our own fellowship had a similar beginning. The Upper Room Christian Fellowship began as a small gathering of faculty and students from Purdue University in 1972, who actually met in the upper room of a building on campus. At that time, a revival was taking place at Purdue and in the surrounding community and many people were coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ. From the beginning of our meeting together, God impressed upon us His desire that we live as the Body of Christ, caring for one another as the early Christians did in Acts 2:42-47. We also felt strongly that God wanted us to continue to meet in West Lafayette, near the campus of Purdue University.
Our own fellowship had a similar beginning. The Upper Room Christian Fellowship began as a small gathering of faculty and students from Purdue University in 1972, who actually met in the upper room of a building on campus. At that time, a revival was taking place at Purdue and in the surrounding community and many people were coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ. From the beginning of our meeting together, God impressed upon us His desire that we live as the Body of Christ, caring for one another as the early Christians did in Acts 2:42-47. We also felt strongly that God wanted us to continue to meet in West Lafayette, near the campus of Purdue University.
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