The Interpreter Group of Liturgical Hours has been involved in the translation work since the early 70s of the twentieth century. However, the work of Liturgical translation and the Bible of the Group, due to the unique circumstances of the country, was widely available only from 1994 and also only by books printed on paper, until 2011 did not begin. posted online. After a period of groping, it was not until the end of 2016 that the website and the app KTCGKPV was born, including all the translation works of the Group in both the biblical and liturgical areas with documents are updated daily. As for the Bible, there are not only text but also introductions and footnotes of the canonical and pastoral type. From March 2020, the Group's translations were not only readable but also audible, but the Gospel of Mark was turned into a film while waiting for three other Gospels. The latest event is on September 30, 2020, the feast of Saint Jericho, the ancestor of Bible translators, on the occasion of the saint's 1600 heavenly birthday, Group PD / CGKPV will launch a new Word for Everyone app to help people read the Bible text directly or search for words and sentences in it.
Hope that the tireless efforts of the Liturgical Hours Interpreter Group help Vietnamese faithful to easily approach, learn and love God's Word to live it, for like St. Jeremiah -niño said "not knowing the Bible is not knowing Christ."
Hope that the tireless efforts of the Liturgical Hours Interpreter Group help Vietnamese faithful to easily approach, learn and love God's Word to live it, for like St. Jeremiah -niño said "not knowing the Bible is not knowing Christ."
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