Conformité Européenne or China icon

Conformité Européenne or China

500+ downloads

About Conformité Européenne or China

This app will help you distinguish between two most confusing certifications markings!

Letters CE that are compliant with Conformité Européenne mark (logo, symbol) signify that product sold in European Economic Area meets high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements (to put it simply, it complies with European standards).
Very similar is China Export mark which indicate simply that it was exported from China.

•  Pinch and swipe to move and scale templates
•  Press anywhere to focus your camera
•  Press shutter button to focus camera and release after shutter stop spinning to take a picture

Note that your camera will be zoomed in to allow most devices to take best macro pictures and have best focus. All pictures are being saved in /Pictures/CEmarks/

Conformité Européenne or China Screenshots