Tests law for lawyers from the state examinations prepared by the Ministry of Justice on the application notarized. Developed with the cooperation of notaries, lawyers, attorneys, bailiffs. Notary application facilitates learning law students, notaries future. Rely on the application notarized with the application containing the Notary Public Notary tests! In our offer there are also other applications Legal: Application bailiff, barrister and attorney, trustee license.
Application in numbers:
- 150 questions - legal examinations, notary application: 09/2015,
- 150 explanations to the test questions,
- 13 categories of questions
Application features:
- Advanced search with speech recognition (after any words or key words)
- Explanations for each question,
- Reviewing the questions in the catalog,
- Draw questions from a database,
- Careful choice questions on the area and the level of difficulty,
- Validation of responses.
- Current statistics response,
- Statistics of answers,
- results submit,
- Adding questions to favorites
- Change application settings,
- Sharing the results, eg. Facebook,
- Tests for the application notarized (testing applications notary)
Categories of questions:
- Civil Code (CC)
- Code of Civil Procedure (CCP)
- Family and Guardianship Code (KR and O)
- Commercial Companies Code (KSH)
- Labour Code (KP)
- Code of Conduct admnistracyjnego (KPA)
- EU law and the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (the EU and the KRP)
- Law on Notaries
- Act on Land and Mortgage
- Act on ownership of premises
- The Law on Real Estate
- Law Bankruptcy and Reorganization
- Act other
All rights reserved.
© 2016 HPF.pl
Application in numbers:
- 150 questions - legal examinations, notary application: 09/2015,
- 150 explanations to the test questions,
- 13 categories of questions
Application features:
- Advanced search with speech recognition (after any words or key words)
- Explanations for each question,
- Reviewing the questions in the catalog,
- Draw questions from a database,
- Careful choice questions on the area and the level of difficulty,
- Validation of responses.
- Current statistics response,
- Statistics of answers,
- results submit,
- Adding questions to favorites
- Change application settings,
- Sharing the results, eg. Facebook,
- Tests for the application notarized (testing applications notary)
Categories of questions:
- Civil Code (CC)
- Code of Civil Procedure (CCP)
- Family and Guardianship Code (KR and O)
- Commercial Companies Code (KSH)
- Labour Code (KP)
- Code of Conduct admnistracyjnego (KPA)
- EU law and the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (the EU and the KRP)
- Law on Notaries
- Act on Land and Mortgage
- Act on ownership of premises
- The Law on Real Estate
- Law Bankruptcy and Reorganization
- Act other
All rights reserved.
© 2016 HPF.pl
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