Park Krajobrazowy Góra Św. Ann icon

Park Krajobrazowy Góra Św. Ann
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About Park Krajobrazowy Góra Św. Ann

Area of ​​the "Góra Św. Anny 'is extremely rich in form, diverse both in nature and landscape, with interesting history and culturally heterogeneous. That is why we are sure that coming here you will not be bored and everyone will find something for themselves. In this search, our mobile application will be most helpful, which we encourage you to download.

In addition to the most important information about our Park, from the application you will learn what makes this place stand out from the Opole region, and sometimes the whole country, and makes it so unique.

Area of ​​the "Góra Św. Anna's ”is a picturesque mosaic of fields, meadows, forests, mid-field tree stands, integrated into numerous hills, charming valleys and amazing gorges. Particularly noteworthy cherry avenue from Annogóra, which every year attracts many tourists and photography enthusiasts.

Supporters of inanimate nature and treasure hunters hidden in the rocks will find in the application a lot of information about the geological values ​​of the Park. There is a reason why the National Geopark "Góra św. Anna ".

Our Park is a lot of history, richness of culture and numerous monuments. This is demonstrated, for example, by giving the area of ​​Góra Św. Anna's status as a Monument of History, which includes: Basilica of St. Anna with the Franciscan monastery, the Annogórska Calvary, rock amphitheater with the Monument of the Uprising. the "Góra Św. Anna 'and the nephelinite geostation.

In the application you will also find a lot of other interesting objects and places related to the history of this region, e.g. the former School of Gliding Aviation in Ligota Dolna, palace and church in Żyrowa, windmills and lime kilns.

Our application will help to reach all interesting places, and the tourist routes and paths contained in it will be a great help.

In the application you will also find quests, i.e. field games for small and large, allowing you to actively overcome the designated route through selected, the most interesting places, and finally test your knowledge.

Using the application, you can also make a souvenir postcard with a special frame or virtual animal and show off your trip to the Landscape Park "Góra Św. Anna ', e.g. on Facebook.

The application for proper operation does not require an internet connection, all data can be imported earlier to go on a trip with a ready guide.

The application was created as part of the project "Reconstruction and equipment of the headquarters of the Opole Landscape Parks Complex with a nature education center in Pokrzywna and the equipment of the nature education center of the Complex of Opolskie Landscape Parks in Ladza." implemented under the Priority Axis of the ROP OV for 2014-2020: V. Protection of the environment, cultural and natural heritage, Measure: 5.1 Protection of biological diversity.

Park Krajobrazowy Góra Św. Ann Screenshots