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EV Smart Book

Porto Editora
100,000+ downloads

About EV Smart Book

Now, your manuals can fit in your pocket!

If you are a 1st to 12th year student, you attend a public school and have a school manual from Porto Editora, Areal Editores or Raiz Editora create your registration on the EV Smart Book app and you will automatically have access to your Digital License.

There are hundreds of resources that help you better understand the subject and prepare you for tests in a more fun and interactive way.

You can also download your books and consult them anytime, anywhere.

Your digital manual online or offline!

Resources such as videos, interactivities, tutorials, etc. are available on each page, which help answer questions and learn in a more fun way.

Exploring the manual, conducting searches, creating bookmarks or inserting notes in the text are also some of the multiple features available. Everything is always in sync, regardless of the device.

Download the app, learn and win prizes at Virtual School! The more you use, the more you earn!

NOTE: There are books that, not being associated with the Digital License, are also Smart Books. To activate them, just register the code found on the first page of the book.

Installing this app implies the acceptance of the Access Terms and Conditions and respective Privacy Policy .