Knowledge Block on Law for the Contest of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (2023) grouped into topics and with the following functionalities:
- Marking of the text of the Law (emphasis, bold, colors, neon, etc.);
- More than 400 recent questions from VUNESP banking contests;
- Audios with realistic voice (AI) by topic to listen anywhere;
- Features of:
1) Increase/Decrease audio speed;
2) Increase/Decrease text size;
3) Volume adjustment;
App Content:
1. CRIMINAL LAW: Penal Code - articles 293 to 305; 307; 308; 311-A; 312 to 317; 319 to 333; 336 and 337; 339 to 347; 357 and 359.
2. CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW: Code of Criminal Procedure - Articles 251 to 258; 261 to 267; 274; 351 to 372; 394 to 497; 531 to 538; 541 to 548; 574 to 667 and Law nº 9.099 of 09.26.1995 (articles 60 to 83; 88 and 89).
3. CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW: Code of Civil Procedure - Articles 144 to 155; 188 to 275; 294 to 311 and from 318 to 538; 994 to 1026; Law No. 9099 of 09.26.1995 (Articles 3 to 19) and Law No. 12.153 of 12.22.2009.
4. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Federal Constitution – Title II – Chapters I, II and III; and Title III - Chapter VII with Sections I and II; and also Article 92.
5. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Statute of Civil Public Servants of the State of São Paulo (Law n.º 10.261/68) - articles 239 to 323; and Federal Law No. 8,429/92 (Administrative Improbity Law).
Volume I – Chapter II: Section I – subsections I and II;
Volume I - Chapter III: Sections I, II, V, VI, VII;
Volume I - Chapter III: Section VIII – subsections I, II and III;
Volume I – Chapter III: Sections IX to XV, XVII to XIX;
Volume I – Chapter XI: Sections I, IV and V;
Volume I – Chapter XI: Section VI – subsections I, III, V and XIII.
No internet required to read the law, listen to the audio* and resolve issues.
* For the complete audio, a complementary download will be required.
- Marking of the text of the Law (emphasis, bold, colors, neon, etc.);
- More than 400 recent questions from VUNESP banking contests;
- Audios with realistic voice (AI) by topic to listen anywhere;
- Features of:
1) Increase/Decrease audio speed;
2) Increase/Decrease text size;
3) Volume adjustment;
App Content:
1. CRIMINAL LAW: Penal Code - articles 293 to 305; 307; 308; 311-A; 312 to 317; 319 to 333; 336 and 337; 339 to 347; 357 and 359.
2. CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW: Code of Criminal Procedure - Articles 251 to 258; 261 to 267; 274; 351 to 372; 394 to 497; 531 to 538; 541 to 548; 574 to 667 and Law nº 9.099 of 09.26.1995 (articles 60 to 83; 88 and 89).
3. CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW: Code of Civil Procedure - Articles 144 to 155; 188 to 275; 294 to 311 and from 318 to 538; 994 to 1026; Law No. 9099 of 09.26.1995 (Articles 3 to 19) and Law No. 12.153 of 12.22.2009.
4. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Federal Constitution – Title II – Chapters I, II and III; and Title III - Chapter VII with Sections I and II; and also Article 92.
5. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Statute of Civil Public Servants of the State of São Paulo (Law n.º 10.261/68) - articles 239 to 323; and Federal Law No. 8,429/92 (Administrative Improbity Law).
Volume I – Chapter II: Section I – subsections I and II;
Volume I - Chapter III: Sections I, II, V, VI, VII;
Volume I - Chapter III: Section VIII – subsections I, II and III;
Volume I – Chapter III: Sections IX to XV, XVII to XIX;
Volume I – Chapter XI: Sections I, IV and V;
Volume I – Chapter XI: Section VI – subsections I, III, V and XIII.
No internet required to read the law, listen to the audio* and resolve issues.
* For the complete audio, a complementary download will be required.
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