Starting from a love for Javanese cultural arts, the Angkasa Budaya community in the city of Kediri, East Java, led by YS Witak Chondro Wijoyo, supported by several community leaders from the city of Kediri, initiated the establishment of a broadcast radio with artistic and cultural nuances, especially Javanese culture. Active involvement in preserving Javanese cultural arts began in 2002, to be precise on July 7 2002 which was marked by a Wayang Kulit performance, attended by the Mayor of Kediri, Drs. H. Achmad Maschut, Muspida of Kediri City, Kediri City Government officials, community leaders, KWRI leaders, members of the Angkasa Budaya community and the general public.
Armed with high, logical ideals, with a clear vision and mission, supported by lovers of Javanese art and culture in various regions, Radio Sri Aji Wijoyo penetrated into streaming media to expand its reach across more global regional boundaries, to be able to be present as an entertainer for art lovers. Javanese culture wherever it is, as well as being a cure for longing for noble culture in the midst of existing modernization.
Streaming Radio Sri Aji Wijoyo has a Mission to become a Channel for Preserving the Unifying Culture of the Archipelago.
In line with this mission, Sri Aji Wijoyo Streaming Radio builds a vision, namely Hanglestari Budaya, Mamrih Luhuring Bangsa (Preserving Culture for the Noble of the Nation).
Armed with high, logical ideals, with a clear vision and mission, supported by lovers of Javanese art and culture in various regions, Radio Sri Aji Wijoyo penetrated into streaming media to expand its reach across more global regional boundaries, to be able to be present as an entertainer for art lovers. Javanese culture wherever it is, as well as being a cure for longing for noble culture in the midst of existing modernization.
Streaming Radio Sri Aji Wijoyo has a Mission to become a Channel for Preserving the Unifying Culture of the Archipelago.
In line with this mission, Sri Aji Wijoyo Streaming Radio builds a vision, namely Hanglestari Budaya, Mamrih Luhuring Bangsa (Preserving Culture for the Noble of the Nation).
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