Delivery Assistant (POD - Proof Of Delivery) is an application that allows you to load parcels data from csv file (must be called "deliveryList.csv") located on the device (works completely offline), as well as filling in the delivery data in that file (collected signature file name, date and time of parcel processing, note and delivery status code), while saving the signature image files in the same directory on the device where the initial file with parcels data is located.
It is recommended that you place the "deliveryList.csv" file in the folder you created on the device for this purpose only, as the application will store the signature images in the same folder in addition to adding the necessary data to the "deliveryList.csv" file. For the folder where the "deliveryList.csv" file is located, before using the application, you must allow the application to use that folder and all content in it.
The "deliveryList.csv" file must have a comma-separated header with the following names in your language:
• List number , Deliverer personal code, Parcel type, Parcel number, Parcel value, Name and Last name, Address, To charge, To pay off, Signature file name, Delivery time, Note, Status code.
All parcels can be with a ransom or with a payout, and other additional currently supported parcel types are:
• AR – Avis de réception (Advice or acknowledgment of receipt - returning to the sender a form or card signed by the recipient);
• PDK – Return documentation accompanying the parcel and which the recipient must sign upon delivery;
• ARS S0…S9 – Letters harmonized with various legal regulations in the Republic of Serbia, which require specific methods of delivery.
Please note that it is possible to specify multiple parcel types in the "Parcel type" field, but you must separate the types with a blanc space (for example, you can enter "AR PDK" in "Parcel type" field).
The data for each parcel must have each of the listed data in a comma-separated header, and if you do not have any of the listed data, you must enter a blank space separated by a comma, such as:
• 1,123456,AR,XX123456789XX,123.25,John Doe, Some strit 120 SomeTown 21101 SR,123.25,,,,,
• 2,123456,ARS S0,XX123789789XX,,Jane Doe,SomeTown 21101 SR,,,,,,
• 3,123456,PDK,XX666789789XX,741.74,Doe Doe,Some strit 555 SomeTown 21101 SR,,741.74,,,,
Currently possible outcomes of shipment processing (status codes) are:
• 0 - Delivered;
• 1 - Report left;
• 2 - Next delivery;
• 3 - Unknown;
• 4 - Address insufficient;
• 5 - Address unknown;
• 6 - Refused;
• 7 - Temporarily away;
• 8 - Relocated;
• 9 - Deceased;
• 10 - Address unreadable;
• 11 - Vacant;
• 12 - Box Closed;
• 13 - Unclaimed;
• 14 - Insufficient postage;
• A - Redirected;
• B - Lost;
• C - Undeliverable;
• U - Delivered in mailbox;
• P - Delivered nailed;
• L - Delivered left;
• K - Notice in mailbox;
• O - Notice nailed;
• M - Notice left;
• T – Threat.
Some of the abbreviations used in the app are the following:
• REP - Leaving a report on the arrival of the parcel;
• REF - Refusal to accept a parcel;
• RET - Return the parcel to the sender.
It is recommended that you place the "deliveryList.csv" file in the folder you created on the device for this purpose only, as the application will store the signature images in the same folder in addition to adding the necessary data to the "deliveryList.csv" file. For the folder where the "deliveryList.csv" file is located, before using the application, you must allow the application to use that folder and all content in it.
The "deliveryList.csv" file must have a comma-separated header with the following names in your language:
• List number , Deliverer personal code, Parcel type, Parcel number, Parcel value, Name and Last name, Address, To charge, To pay off, Signature file name, Delivery time, Note, Status code.
All parcels can be with a ransom or with a payout, and other additional currently supported parcel types are:
• AR – Avis de réception (Advice or acknowledgment of receipt - returning to the sender a form or card signed by the recipient);
• PDK – Return documentation accompanying the parcel and which the recipient must sign upon delivery;
• ARS S0…S9 – Letters harmonized with various legal regulations in the Republic of Serbia, which require specific methods of delivery.
Please note that it is possible to specify multiple parcel types in the "Parcel type" field, but you must separate the types with a blanc space (for example, you can enter "AR PDK" in "Parcel type" field).
The data for each parcel must have each of the listed data in a comma-separated header, and if you do not have any of the listed data, you must enter a blank space separated by a comma, such as:
• 1,123456,AR,XX123456789XX,123.25,John Doe, Some strit 120 SomeTown 21101 SR,123.25,,,,,
• 2,123456,ARS S0,XX123789789XX,,Jane Doe,SomeTown 21101 SR,,,,,,
• 3,123456,PDK,XX666789789XX,741.74,Doe Doe,Some strit 555 SomeTown 21101 SR,,741.74,,,,
Currently possible outcomes of shipment processing (status codes) are:
• 0 - Delivered;
• 1 - Report left;
• 2 - Next delivery;
• 3 - Unknown;
• 4 - Address insufficient;
• 5 - Address unknown;
• 6 - Refused;
• 7 - Temporarily away;
• 8 - Relocated;
• 9 - Deceased;
• 10 - Address unreadable;
• 11 - Vacant;
• 12 - Box Closed;
• 13 - Unclaimed;
• 14 - Insufficient postage;
• A - Redirected;
• B - Lost;
• C - Undeliverable;
• U - Delivered in mailbox;
• P - Delivered nailed;
• L - Delivered left;
• K - Notice in mailbox;
• O - Notice nailed;
• M - Notice left;
• T – Threat.
Some of the abbreviations used in the app are the following:
• REP - Leaving a report on the arrival of the parcel;
• REF - Refusal to accept a parcel;
• RET - Return the parcel to the sender.
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