Every day you have to ask household/family members and/or colleagues what needs to be done or what is being done at home and/or at work, or what to buy on the way home and/or to work?
Yeah, What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app is made to make your life easier with these things.
Form groups, then forms lists in them. Lists can be formed by each member of the group so everyone can assign To Do tasks to be done to all members or to a specific individual.
Create or review To Do tasks in What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app every day, so it will never happen that some To Do tasks are not done because others thought someone else would do it, or that you come home without something from the store and have to go back to the store.
Also, What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app is good for giving home assignments to children, because it will be interesting for them to do them so that they can mark that To Do tasks as done in the app, and those who create them can see who did them and on what day. The same goes for giving assignments to team members at work.
What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app allows all group members to organize what To Do at household and/or at work, as well as to check what has been done, and who and on what day done the To Do tasks they created, from anywhere and in any time.
Lists in Groups and, therefore, to-do Tasks, can have the following categories:
• Shopping (create to-do tasks with quantity and quantity type, that can be done by any group member or dedicate it to only one group member),
• Working (create to-do tasks that can be done by any group member or dedicate it to only one group member),
• Educate (dedicate to-do tasks to all or some group members – an identical to-do task will be created and dedicated to each selected group member).
• Creating closed groups of people, or maybe even just for yourself, which can be edited (including adding and removing people from it) or deleted (only when there is no lists in them) only by their creator.
• Creating lists for existing groups by any group member, which can be edited or deleted (only if they do not contain ToDo tasks) only by their creator.
• Creating ToDo tasks for existing lists (which belongs to one of the offered list categories) by any group member, which can be edited or deleted (only when it is not done) only by its creator, and can be Done by any group member or exact group member if ToDo task is dedicated.
• Edit user profile.
• Four ways to view the available ToDo tasks: all ToDo tasks, ToDo tasks that are dedicated to you, ToDo tasks for the selected list and ToDo tasks that you have created (separated as undone and done).
• Sending push notifications whenever a ToDo task is created, modified, done or deleted and refreshing the list of available ToDo tasks in real time, so that any ToDo task that has been done or deleted will no longer be visible to anyone, except the done ToDo task to its creator.
• All ToDo tasks for your household and/or work are in one place and are available to you anywhere, from any device with this app if you sign in with your confidential information.
Please send me an email in case you have any questions, suggestions or issues with What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app, at drakulic@hotmail.com. Thank you in advance.
Yeah, What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app is made to make your life easier with these things.
Form groups, then forms lists in them. Lists can be formed by each member of the group so everyone can assign To Do tasks to be done to all members or to a specific individual.
Create or review To Do tasks in What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app every day, so it will never happen that some To Do tasks are not done because others thought someone else would do it, or that you come home without something from the store and have to go back to the store.
Also, What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app is good for giving home assignments to children, because it will be interesting for them to do them so that they can mark that To Do tasks as done in the app, and those who create them can see who did them and on what day. The same goes for giving assignments to team members at work.
What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app allows all group members to organize what To Do at household and/or at work, as well as to check what has been done, and who and on what day done the To Do tasks they created, from anywhere and in any time.
Lists in Groups and, therefore, to-do Tasks, can have the following categories:
• Shopping (create to-do tasks with quantity and quantity type, that can be done by any group member or dedicate it to only one group member),
• Working (create to-do tasks that can be done by any group member or dedicate it to only one group member),
• Educate (dedicate to-do tasks to all or some group members – an identical to-do task will be created and dedicated to each selected group member).
• Creating closed groups of people, or maybe even just for yourself, which can be edited (including adding and removing people from it) or deleted (only when there is no lists in them) only by their creator.
• Creating lists for existing groups by any group member, which can be edited or deleted (only if they do not contain ToDo tasks) only by their creator.
• Creating ToDo tasks for existing lists (which belongs to one of the offered list categories) by any group member, which can be edited or deleted (only when it is not done) only by its creator, and can be Done by any group member or exact group member if ToDo task is dedicated.
• Edit user profile.
• Four ways to view the available ToDo tasks: all ToDo tasks, ToDo tasks that are dedicated to you, ToDo tasks for the selected list and ToDo tasks that you have created (separated as undone and done).
• Sending push notifications whenever a ToDo task is created, modified, done or deleted and refreshing the list of available ToDo tasks in real time, so that any ToDo task that has been done or deleted will no longer be visible to anyone, except the done ToDo task to its creator.
• All ToDo tasks for your household and/or work are in one place and are available to you anywhere, from any device with this app if you sign in with your confidential information.
Please send me an email in case you have any questions, suggestions or issues with What’s Done (WhatsDone) android app, at drakulic@hotmail.com. Thank you in advance.
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