Fast Numerology 69 - Surprisingly accurate description of any person by birthday.
All calculations and Infographics by unique (not Pythagoras) author's method of Natalia Sidorova.
Knowing only date of birth of the person, you will understand, who it - the leader or the slave; the person of mood or the pedant.
It is possible to define precisely enough: the level of intellect and logic, the degree of emotionality and attractiveness, the level of self-esteem, intuition and psychic abilities, the main causes of problems in relationships with relatives and colleagues at work.
Doctors, Healers receive knowledge on individual distribution of internal energy potential of any person.
IMPORTANT PARTICIPANTS will receive recommendations on individual upbringing of their child, taking into account all his psychophysical possibilities.
With the help of the acquired knowledge, the RECEIVER will be able to use the talents of its employees, partners and competitors more effectively.
Spouses, having understood motives of "wrong" behaviour of the partner, can establish relations with each other.
Teachers , taking into account the characteristics of each student, will be able to create the best working and psychological environment in the children's team.
What is the person you just met? Ask when it's his birthday!
All calculations and Infographics by unique (not Pythagoras) author's method of Natalia Sidorova.
Knowing only date of birth of the person, you will understand, who it - the leader or the slave; the person of mood or the pedant.
It is possible to define precisely enough: the level of intellect and logic, the degree of emotionality and attractiveness, the level of self-esteem, intuition and psychic abilities, the main causes of problems in relationships with relatives and colleagues at work.
Doctors, Healers receive knowledge on individual distribution of internal energy potential of any person.
IMPORTANT PARTICIPANTS will receive recommendations on individual upbringing of their child, taking into account all his psychophysical possibilities.
With the help of the acquired knowledge, the RECEIVER will be able to use the talents of its employees, partners and competitors more effectively.
Spouses, having understood motives of "wrong" behaviour of the partner, can establish relations with each other.
Teachers , taking into account the characteristics of each student, will be able to create the best working and psychological environment in the children's team.
What is the person you just met? Ask when it's his birthday!
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