Olesya Oleksiuk, The Adventures of Vicki Sue
Publisher Digital Books, 2020
(Series: Open Book)
Vika was lucky from birth, but she did not notice it. She wanted to succeed, believing that this was the only way she would be loved. But - the long-awaited victory was given to her too hard. Disillusioned with superheroes, Vika decided to try her luck in an evil corporation.
Cover photo by krivitskiy, Pixabay License
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Digital Books publishing house is engaged in popularization of works of classical literature and support for emerging authors. We publish books as applications for mobile devices based on the Android operating system. Using a simple menu, each reader can customize the display of the book according to the characteristics of their device.
For the correct display of the text, you need to set the font size in the settings of your smartphone in the "Screen" section - normal!
Digital Books books are small in size and not demanding on the resources of smartphones and tablets. Our applications do not send SMS from your phones to paid numbers and are not interested in your personal information.
If you write books and want to see your work as an application for mobile devices based on the Android operating system, please contact Digital Books (webvoru@gmail.com). For details, see the Publisher's website http://www.webvo.ru/forauthors.php
Publisher Digital Books, 2020
(Series: Open Book)
Vika was lucky from birth, but she did not notice it. She wanted to succeed, believing that this was the only way she would be loved. But - the long-awaited victory was given to her too hard. Disillusioned with superheroes, Vika decided to try her luck in an evil corporation.
Cover photo by krivitskiy, Pixabay License
If you liked the book, do not take it for work - add stars to your reviews about it.
Look for our other publications on the Market! Over 300 books have been published! See the catalog of all books on the publisher's website http://www.webvo.ru
Digital Books publishing house is engaged in popularization of works of classical literature and support for emerging authors. We publish books as applications for mobile devices based on the Android operating system. Using a simple menu, each reader can customize the display of the book according to the characteristics of their device.
For the correct display of the text, you need to set the font size in the settings of your smartphone in the "Screen" section - normal!
Digital Books books are small in size and not demanding on the resources of smartphones and tablets. Our applications do not send SMS from your phones to paid numbers and are not interested in your personal information.
If you write books and want to see your work as an application for mobile devices based on the Android operating system, please contact Digital Books (webvoru@gmail.com). For details, see the Publisher's website http://www.webvo.ru/forauthors.php
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