Julie Cat, Take me this way
Digital Books Publishing, 2021
(Series: Open Book)
“This is not the guy who suits me according to the usual accepted standards, not the person whom my parents and my friends would like to see next to me, and not the one whom unfamiliar and strangers could imagine next to me. But I am friends with him ... Although it is not always easy ... "
This book tells the story of a relationship between an ordinary girl and a guy with autism.
The book is published with the permission of the author.
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Look for our other publications on the Market! More than 300 books have already been published! See the catalog of all books on the website of the publishing house http://www.webvo.ru
Digital Books is dedicated to popularizing classical literature and supporting aspiring authors. We publish books in the form of applications for mobile devices based on the Android operating system. With the help of a simple menu, each reader can customize the display of the book to the characteristics of his device.
For the correct display of the text, you need to set the font size in the settings of your smartphone in the "Screen" section - normal!
Books Publisher Digital Books are small and not demanding on the resources of smartphones and tablets. Our applications do not send SMS from your phones to premium rates and are not interested in your personal information.
If you are writing books and want to see your work as an application for mobile devices based on the Android operating system, then contact the Digital Books publishing house (webvoru@gmail.com). For details, see the website of the Publishing House http://www.webvo.ru/forauthors.php
Digital Books Publishing, 2021
(Series: Open Book)
“This is not the guy who suits me according to the usual accepted standards, not the person whom my parents and my friends would like to see next to me, and not the one whom unfamiliar and strangers could imagine next to me. But I am friends with him ... Although it is not always easy ... "
This book tells the story of a relationship between an ordinary girl and a guy with autism.
The book is published with the permission of the author.
If you liked the book, do not consider it a work - add stars to the reviews about it.
Look for our other publications on the Market! More than 300 books have already been published! See the catalog of all books on the website of the publishing house http://www.webvo.ru
Digital Books is dedicated to popularizing classical literature and supporting aspiring authors. We publish books in the form of applications for mobile devices based on the Android operating system. With the help of a simple menu, each reader can customize the display of the book to the characteristics of his device.
For the correct display of the text, you need to set the font size in the settings of your smartphone in the "Screen" section - normal!
Books Publisher Digital Books are small and not demanding on the resources of smartphones and tablets. Our applications do not send SMS from your phones to premium rates and are not interested in your personal information.
If you are writing books and want to see your work as an application for mobile devices based on the Android operating system, then contact the Digital Books publishing house (webvoru@gmail.com). For details, see the website of the Publishing House http://www.webvo.ru/forauthors.php
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