I know when Stora Nobu day, habitat, stranger creatures generally; Buddha, immortal, sanctification, as the Yin Dayong, will pass the three religions, and implementing Heaven; Have microscopy, with one body , side ins and outs, and the affair. Tao is also to cover everything in terms of risk, however, said that the "days." To dominate all things, it is that of the "Emperor." No jump in real terms, is that of "sincerity." In terms of things consists, however, said that the "road." With nothing to ignore, all-win in terms of management, however, said that the "reason." In the days that of "heaven", on the ground that the "geography" was that of the "physical" in the matter that the "affair." Li is also to give me in terms Fu, called "life." In terms of intrinsic subject, that of "sex." To socialize changing words, that the "heart." That of the heart of "chi." The heart recalled that of "meaning." Everything is in a sense, born happiness, anger, sadness and joy, that of "love." Number one thousand million, or non-enumerable, investigate its origin, does reveal the "one reason" too. Therefore, no birth Zhenzai, the "rational" will be scattered down. What is "processing" of what? Mean cloud: "nature is reason also, namely the five permanent members also manage" almost poor scholar must first "management", then you can make the sex, not almost unknown "reason", and who can make the sex, no sex and can not do returning to the reducers.
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