You have an own server (i.e Raspberry Pi - Raspi), which you use to collect weather data ( temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, ...) by your own and you are searching for a possibility to have it available/display it on your handy or distribute it in a nice way to your friends or family?
You want to learn about weather behaviour by use of own data and weather forecast rules?
This app gives you the oportunity to do all this and even more.
>>> THIS APP NEEDS AN OWN SERVER, ar at least the knowledge where to get the weather data in the specified JSON format <<<
With this app you can define your own weather forecast regarding:
Your rules, your weather!
APP Features:
• ad free
• necessary APP permissions used only
• adjustable data source (i.e. your server)
- simple JSON fomat for data transfer (server weather API)
- actual support of temperature, humidity, pressure, UV and wind
• low power background synchronisation with your server
• adjustable synchronisation interval
• value trend indication by arrow symbol
• lock screen notifications for warnings
• adjustable warning levels for
- “heat” and “frost” warning
- heavy wind warning
- storm warning
- UV warning
• 6 o’clock weather data info as lock screen notification
• built in DNS resolver (optional if you don't have a domain or fixed ip)
• sizable widget, which is automatically updated
- 2 kind of default sizes (large and small)
• use of minimum required permissions
• multi language support
- English
- German
- French
The data from your web server (z.B. Apache web server on Raspberry pi) has to look like
following example (simple JSON-format):
"api" : "1.4",
"location" : "London",
"date" : "23.01.2017",
"time" : "19:42:48",
"temp" : "-6.3",
"temp_trend" : "up",
"pressure" : "1020",
"pressure_trend" : "down",
"trend" : "stetig",
“wind” : ”12”,
“wind_trend” : ”up”,
“humidity” : ”62”,
“humidity_trend” : ””
“uvi” : ”62”,
“uvi_trend” : ””
A complete manual, which describes the app and required server adjustment is integrated in the app itself, or can also be found on the it's web page.
You can drop me a line if there is additional language support needed.
You want to learn about weather behaviour by use of own data and weather forecast rules?
This app gives you the oportunity to do all this and even more.
>>> THIS APP NEEDS AN OWN SERVER, ar at least the knowledge where to get the weather data in the specified JSON format <<<
With this app you can define your own weather forecast regarding:
Your rules, your weather!
APP Features:
• ad free
• necessary APP permissions used only
• adjustable data source (i.e. your server)
- simple JSON fomat for data transfer (server weather API)
- actual support of temperature, humidity, pressure, UV and wind
• low power background synchronisation with your server
• adjustable synchronisation interval
• value trend indication by arrow symbol
• lock screen notifications for warnings
• adjustable warning levels for
- “heat” and “frost” warning
- heavy wind warning
- storm warning
- UV warning
• 6 o’clock weather data info as lock screen notification
• built in DNS resolver (optional if you don't have a domain or fixed ip)
• sizable widget, which is automatically updated
- 2 kind of default sizes (large and small)
• use of minimum required permissions
• multi language support
- English
- German
- French
The data from your web server (z.B. Apache web server on Raspberry pi) has to look like
following example (simple JSON-format):
"api" : "1.4",
"location" : "London",
"date" : "23.01.2017",
"time" : "19:42:48",
"temp" : "-6.3",
"temp_trend" : "up",
"pressure" : "1020",
"pressure_trend" : "down",
"trend" : "stetig",
“wind” : ”12”,
“wind_trend” : ”up”,
“humidity” : ”62”,
“humidity_trend” : ””
“uvi” : ”62”,
“uvi_trend” : ””
A complete manual, which describes the app and required server adjustment is integrated in the app itself, or can also be found on the it's web page.
You can drop me a line if there is additional language support needed.
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