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About Home

This app is a webview which gives you access to your private web server (i.e. based on Rasperry Pi) to view your private data or control something at your home (IOT control across web page/application).

You can also use this app to access any web page (like a bookmark, web browser).

- SSL certificate error indication
- options for SSL certificate errors (self-signed certificate support)
- ownDNS functionality in case of NO own domain registration
- actual view can be saved as a picture
(e.g.: snapshot of private security cam video stream)
- stream (e.g.: video streaming) gets stopped automatically
if app is set to state "onPause"
(data volume protection)
- option to keep the screen on
(e.g.: in case there is something to read like a guide)
- context menue to copy a link to the clipboard or open it in std. web browser
(e.g.: for further use of own wiki links)
- complete free (no ad)

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