We connect people to business
Application that connects customers to the closest businesses
We organize your sales by setting up your store within the app (with photo gallery, product description, prices, discounts, promotions and delivery fee) and we scale your business by creating a virtual loyalty portfolio.
- Lower rates: Free access to a sales app
- Customer loyalty: Virtual loyalty portfolio
- Close contact with your customers: Promotion notifications
- Order management: Tracking the status of orders by the company and the customer
- Health safety: Sanitized local deliveries
Application that connects customers to the closest businesses
We organize your sales by setting up your store within the app (with photo gallery, product description, prices, discounts, promotions and delivery fee) and we scale your business by creating a virtual loyalty portfolio.
- Lower rates: Free access to a sales app
- Customer loyalty: Virtual loyalty portfolio
- Close contact with your customers: Promotion notifications
- Order management: Tracking the status of orders by the company and the customer
- Health safety: Sanitized local deliveries
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