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English-Uzbek-English dictiona

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About English-Uzbek-English dictiona

lug'at akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari o'guvchilari hamda ingliz tilini mustagil o'rganuvchilar, oliy o'guv yurtlariga o'gishga kirish uchun tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganlar, oliy ojarlih'lalg'algalgari ishlayotgan muttaxassislar uchun mo'ljalJangan.
The dictionary is intended for students of academic lyceums and professional colleges, as well as students of the English language, those who are preparing to enter higher educational institutions, students of higher educational institutions, translators.

Uzbek, the national language of the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, has over 20 million speakers in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, neighboring countries, and emigrant communities abroad. This two-way language guide provides the essential vocabulary and phrases for communication with Uzbek speakers in travel-related and daily life situations. Uzbek is presented here in the Roman alphabet to allow quick pronunciation. 5,000 total entries, basic Uzbek grammar, extensive vocabulary and phrases, practical cultural information. For travelers, students, and business people.

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